We recommend a pre-operative/pre-anesthetic blood panel to make sure that the patient is in sufficient health to undergo anesthesia or sedation. This also assists us in determining a tailored anesthetic protocol for your individual pet based on any abnormalities indicated by the bloodwork. If your pet is over 7 years of age this is required.
We also recommend that an IV catheter and IV fluids be administered to your pet while it is under anesthesia today. The fluids will correct mild dehydration that anesthesia will cause as well as provide an emergency port into the vein in the case an emergency should arise. If your pet is over 7 years of age this is required. The additional fee for IV fluids is $60.00
I hereby authorize the veterinary staff at West Lake Animal Hospital to examine and/or perform procedures they deem necessary for my animal. These procedures include, but are not limited to the administration and maintenance of anesthesia, and the performance of surgery or any treatment deemed necessary by the attending veterinarian. I acknowledge and understand that there are risks involved in handling animals and in their medical treatment. I further acknowledge that there is no guarantee as to the result of any treatment made by West Lake Animal Hospital. I agree to hold West Lake Animal Hospital, and all associates, harmless in the event of unforeseen incidents while my animal is under the care of West Lake Animal Hospital. I understand and agree that West Lake Animal Hospital does not accept or assume liability for accident, escape, injury, or death of my animal at any time. I am the legal owner or the representative of the legal owner of the animals I have presented today for diagnosis and treatment. I am over the age of 18 years.
I agree
West Lake Animal Hospital
Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros.